Multidisciplinary clinical hospital. There is a paid branch.
Detailed information can be obtained on the website
Address: Moscow, Gospitalnaya sq., 3.
Pre-registration for an appointment with a doctor:
8 (499) 267-45-36
8 (499) 263-55-55 *1
or ext. 58-55.
About the hospital
The main military clinical hospital has a history of more than 300 years. Today it is one of the largest multidisciplinary treatment centers in Russia, the flagship of domestic military medicine. Within the walls of the hospital, the heroic traditions of previous generations of military doctors are carefully preserved, and high scientific and professional potential is preserved.
The hospital's specialists have significant experience in providing specialized medical care to the wounded and sick in military field conditions, and have the capabilities of modern high-tech treatment of sick and injured people in peacetime. Among the hospital doctors there are 54 doctors and 206 candidates of medical sciences, 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 18 professors, 13 associate professors, 95 honored doctors of the Russian Federation, 12 honored healthcare workers of the Russian Federation and 2 honored scientists of the Russian Federation.
The hospital has specialized treatment and diagnostic centers specialized in the most relevant medical specialties. Every year, more than 60 thousand inpatients are treated there, and 17 thousand operations are performed. A distinctive feature of the hospital is the unique ability to provide comprehensive, highly specialized medical care to the wounded and sick with various injuries and diseases, including complex treatment of patients with oncological and hematological pathologies. The only exceptions are children under 18 years of age and patients in need of organ transplantation operations.
Gastroenterology Department
Gastroenterology departments have wide diagnostic and treatment capabilities due to high medical technologies.
The functional research room is equipped with modern equipment that allows daily testing of acidity in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum and bile research. Endoscopic removal of polyps from the stomach and intestines is performed. Clinical dietetics is developing; The latest methods of treating obesity and malnutrition are used; Therapeutic rehabilitation of postoperative patients is carried out.
The department successfully treats patients
- peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach,
- gastroesophageal reflux and cholelithiasis,
- chronic pancreatitis,
- duodenal papillitis,
- ulcerative colitis,
- Crohn's disease.
The introduction of endoscopic methods into practice has significantly expanded the possibilities of studying
- pathologies of the esophagus,
- stomach and
- colon.
The department treats patients with gastrointestinal pathologies, including
- with chronic viral
- alcoholic,
- toxic hepatitis;
- liver cirrhosis,
- benign hyperbilirubinemia,
- cholelithiasis,
- nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
On the basis of the department, methods for diagnosing and treating patients with extremely severe forms of liver damage in acute alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic and viral cirrhosis have been developed and put into practice.
Diagnostic and treatment methods
The department uses puncture biopsy, virological diagnosis of hepatitis B and C based on the polymerase chain reaction, which allows antiviral treatment with recombinant and then pegylated interferons.
To diagnose liver diseases, radionuclide methods, laboratory determination of markers of viral hepatitis, and morphological examination of liver punctures are actively used.