Posts tagged "constipation"

Just 200 grams of boiled potatoes in their jackets is enough to get the full daily requirement of vitamin C. Its juice has been proven effective in...

This tasty root vegetable has many beneficial properties, is used as a mild laxative, anti-inflammatory, prophylactic and helps in the treatment of a number of...

The effectiveness of buckthorn bark for constipation is well known, but it also has other beneficial properties; you need to know the subtleties when harvesting the bark,...

It is difficult to list all the beneficial properties of nettle; it is a powerful and hematopoietic agent, and a remedy for hemorrhoids and many other diseases....

The medicinal properties of this plant are widely used in folk medicine to treat constipation, hemorrhoids and a number of other diseases. Infusions from...

Description and composition. It is believed that wild berries are more beneficial and have more healing properties. All parts are used for medicinal purposes...

Melon is not only a tasty fruit, but also a valuable medicine for many diseases, a good mild laxative for constipation and hemorrhoids.

Pakistani scientists believe that it is thanks to apricots that there are so many long-livers in their country. The composition of the fruit, the diseases from which it is described...

The well-known orange turns out to be also a healing fruit. The chemical composition of its fruits, its use for healing and contraindications are described.
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