Abdominal pain on the left: types, causes of pain, diseases

Abdominal pain on the left

Abdominal pain on the left side, like any other pain in the abdominal cavity, can be the result of many disorders in the body.

If your left side hurts

Pain in the left side of the abdomen often occurs after overeating or eating unhealthy foods. Stress and overwork can also cause pain in the intestines. In this article we will look at diseases that lead to left-sided pain in the iliac region, in the hypochondrium of the abdomen and in the lower abdomen on the left.

1 – left lobe of the liver

2 – pancreas

3 – stomach

4 – spleen

5 – large intestine

6 – small intestine

7 – ovary

8 – uterus

9 – upper hypochondrium

Pain in the left hypochondrium

If pain is felt in the left upper abdomen, then it can be caused by a diseased stomach, pancreas or spleen. Inflammation of these organs is usually caused by pathogenic bacteria, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle and stress.

In addition, stabbing pain can occur during physical activity, and there is no underlying disease. The reason is improper load distribution.

Abdominal pain on the left due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis)

If aching pain in the left abdomen most often occurs after eating, then this is a sign of inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis). This pain occurs when the stomach is full of food. Then, as food passes further into the intestines, the pain subsides. Stress can also contribute to abdominal pain due to gastritis.

If the pain in the left hypochondrium is acute, occurs after eating and is accompanied by sour belching, vomiting, heartburn, and a feeling of pressure, then this may indicate a stomach ulcer.

One of the causes of inflammation of the gastric mucosa may be a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. It can be detected during a medical examination.

Dull constant pain in the left hypochondrium

You should pay attention to such pain and undergo an examination, as it may be the result of an indolent disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Aching pain in the left hypochondrium can also cause a number of autoimmune diseases.

Pain in the left hypochondrium due to inflammation of the pancreas

If there is pain under the rib on the left, then the cause may be the pancreas. Its inflammation causes unbearable burning pain in the left hypochondrium, which radiates to the back. Sometimes inflammation causes girdle pain in the upper abdomen. The pain may subside slightly when you bend your torso forward in a sitting position.

The pain is accompanied by symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, vomiting bile, darkening of the urine and lightening of the stool. Common causes of pancreatic inflammation include gallstones, cigarettes and alcohol.

Pain in the left side under the ribs in front

One of the causes of such pain may be intercostal neuralgia. This creates the impression of pain under the ribs. The pain can be of a different nature, dull, tingling, or move to different areas.

Upper left abdominal pain due to spleen disease

Enlargement and infarction of the spleen due to arterial thrombosis cause severe pain, which can radiate to the left shoulder. But as a rule, these diseases exhibit additional symptoms: fever, muscle pain, headache, swollen lymph nodes.

Heartburn in the stomach on the left side

If the stomach hurts on the left and this pain is accompanied by belching and burning pain spreading throughout the esophagus, then in medicine this disease is called reflux. Heartburn can be caused by increased stomach acidity, stress, snacking on the go and too fatty foods.

This symptom also occurs with weak diaphragm muscles.

Abdominal pain under the ribs

If you are suffering from pain in the upper abdomen, just below the ribs, it is most likely not caused by the abdominal organs. The lower sections of the lungs and the heart are located in this upper part of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, it is quite possible that pain under the left rib may be caused by pneumonia or even a heart attack.

However, with such diseases, abdominal pain is not the main symptom and other signs of disease necessarily appear.
With a heart attack, these are symptoms such as chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath and cold sweat. The pain can travel up to the shoulder on the left side quite quickly. With pneumonia - pain when breathing.

What can hurt in the lower left abdomen?

If you feel pain in the left lower abdomen, this may indicate diseases of the colon, ureters or kidneys. Pain in the lower abdomen in women can be caused by problems with the uterus and ovaries. In men, such pain is caused by the prostate gland or testicles.

Pain due to colon diverticulum

One of the most common diseases of the colon is diverticulosis . Diverticula often go undetected during diagnosis. Their inflammation can cause stabbing pain in the abdomen.

The cause of pain is the ureters

Stones in the ureters or bladder cause sharp, paroxysmal, debilitating pain. They can sometimes give back.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women

In women, it is always necessary to take into account that the internal genital organs - fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus are located in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation of these organs or cancer leads to constant sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

The gynecological nature of the pain can be indicated by disruptions in the menstrual cycle and pathological discharge from the vagina.

If you have persistent pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pain in the lower abdomen in men

In men, these pains may indicate inflammation or prostate or testicular cancer.

Stomach pain in the middle left

The causes of such pain can be appendicitis and food intolerance.

Pain from appendicitis

Appendicitis can also manifest itself as acute pain in the lower left abdomen. Although anatomically it is located in the lower right part of the abdomen, at the initial stage of inflammation, pain appears in the middle of the abdomen, near the navel. Then it moves to the lower abdomen and can be felt in both the left and right parts of the abdominal cavity.

Sometimes vomiting and nausea occur, and the disease can be confused with intestinal flu .

If the condition worsens, accompanied by fever, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Abdominal pain on the left or in the middle after eating

Abdominal pain after eating in the middle abdomen may indicate food intolerance. Most often, pain occurs some time after eating.

Food intolerance manifests itself through a feeling of fullness or stabbing pain after eating. Diarrhea or flatulence often appears.

Typical intolerances include fructose intolerance, lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance . Gluten is a protein often found in baked goods or pasta.

Abdominal pain due to intestinal infections

With intestinal infections, in the first stages of the disease, pain may appear in the left side of the abdomen, since the narrower left side of the colon more quickly signals problems with pain. As the disease progresses, the pain spreads to the lower right side and then covers the entire abdominal cavity.

With an intestinal infection, fluid loss due to vomiting and diarrhea can be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of fluids.

Table of symptoms and causes of abdominal pain on the left

Abdomen areaSymptomsCauses
2 – left upper abdomen Acute pain in the left abdomen, which can radiate to the backInflammation of the pancreas due to illness or large amounts of alcohol/cigarettes
3 – left hypochondriumFrequent belching, burning/tingling behind the sternumHeartburn due to stress, fuss, high-fat foods, too weak diaphragm muscles
4 – left upper abdomen to shoulderPain in the upper abdomen may radiate to the left shoulderSplenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis or enlarged spleen
5 – left lower abdomenStitching pain in the abdomen on the left sideIntestinal diverticulum
4 - left lower abdomenAcute pain in the left lower abdomen, sometimes back painUrolithiasis, passage of stones or sand from the left kidney
5.6 – left side or entire abdomenAbdominal pain on the left or pain in the entire abdominal cavity, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Intestinal infection
6 - left side of the abdomen in the middlePain near the navel, in the left or right lower abdomen, vomiting and nausea, digestive problems, feverAppendicitis
6 - left side of the abdomen in the middlePain after eatingFood intolerance (fructose, lactose, gluten intolerance)
7.8 – left lower abdomenPain in the left lower abdomen in women, vaginal dischargeInflammation or cancer of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or uterus
9 – under the ribsChest and shoulder pain, depression, shortness of breath, cold sweatHeart attack
9 - under the ribsChest pain when breathingPneumonia

Attention! Our website provides you with primary information on the topic of left abdominal pain. However, this information cannot replace consultation with a doctor. Any abdominal pain requires medical examination.


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The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.