Acute abdomen: symptoms, first aid

Acute abdomen: symptoms, first aid

“Acute abdomen” is a complex of symptoms that manifest themselves in cases of damage and acute diseases of the abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space. Requires immediate medical attention.

Why is this condition dangerous?

Medical practice shows that the fate of a patient often depends not only on the qualifications of doctors. His own behavior and timely seeking medical help are of great importance.

In such a situation, the clock is ticking.

Unfortunately, very often victims are in no hurry to call a doctor and think that the pain will stop. Or, even worse, they resort to self-medication. This can lead to irreparable results.

What diseases cause this symptom?

“Acute abdomen” can be a manifestation of diseases such as:


The following symptoms indicate the danger of the disease:

  • sudden or cramping abdominal pain ,
  • stool retention,
  • stopping the passage of gases,
  • abdominal wall tension,
  • pale skin,
  • cold sticky sweat on the face,
  • pulse is frequent, thread-like.

What is strictly forbidden to do?

In this condition it is prohibited:

  • give the patient painkillers,
  • place a warm heating pad on your stomach.

First aid

First of all, you need to call an ambulance.

Put the patient to bed.

Don't let him eat or drink.

Don't touch your stomach.

Do not allow the patient to move.

The patient should be transferred to the ambulance on a stretcher.

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Acute abdomen: symptoms, first aid Link to main publication
The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.