State Scientific Center of Coloproctology

State Scientific Center of Coloproctology

Detailed information can be obtained on the website

Address: 123423, Moscow, st. Salama Adilya 2

About the center

Welcome to the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology named after A.N. Ryzhikh, where experienced and attentive specialists will help solve health problems. The structure of the scientific and clinical association includes a polyclinic and a number of specialized departments: gastroenterology, oncoproctology, surgical unit, etc. Patients are examined through endoscopy, radiology, microbiological studies and using the resources of a clinical chemical laboratory.


Doctors specializing in general and reconstructive proctology, experts in the field of emergency care, anesthesia and resuscitation are at the service of visitors to the Coloproctology Center in Moscow. In addition, the staff includes doctors who provide competent and comprehensive consultations on coloproctology issues.

The distinctive advantages of our scientific and clinical medical institution include the following:

The first in the USSR and the only entire scientific and clinical institution in the Russian Federation specializing in diseases of the colon and rectum, anus, pelvic organs and perineum.

A full range of methods for diagnosing and treating these diseases.

98 specialists certified in coloproctology, oncology, functional and radiation diagnostics; 9 professors, 12 doctors and 50 candidates of medical sciences.

more than 6,000 patients treated per year.


Modern diagnostic and treatment facilities make the Coloproctology Center one of the most authoritative medical institutions with a narrow specialization in the entire country. The high quality and reasonable prices of the services provided in the scientific and clinical institution border on an individual approach to each patient, a careful study of the problems of a particular person and the development of the most adequate therapy.

Reception hours for clinic staff:
Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 20:00
Sat from 9:00 to 15:00

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The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.