Clover belongs to the legume family and has varieties - hybrid clover, meadow clover, arable clover, creeping clover, and medium clover.
Description and composition
All types of clover are herbaceous plants with similar medicinal properties.
Both flowers and leaves are used in folk medicine.
Plants contain beneficial substances such as
- trifolin glucosides,
- essential and fatty oils,
- vitamin C,
- carotene,
- alkaloids.
For what diseases is it used?
Red clover flowers are used as a decoction for anemia.
Decoctions of flowers of all kinds are used
- as a laxative,
- in case of poisoning,
- colds,
- cough,
- malaria,
- rheumatic pains,
- as an expectorant
- diuretic,
- antiseptic,
- tonic.
How to prepare a decoction?
A decoction is prepared from inflorescences, pour one teaspoon of flowers into one glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
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