If food substances begin to be poorly digested, the body warns about this with a number of manifestations. Moreover, based on these signs, you can even determine the degree of neglect of the process, whether this is only disturbances in the intestines or the result of a disease of other organs.
Signs of intestinal disorders
You should be alerted by the periodic occurrence of such phenomena as:
bloating ( flatulence );
excessive gas formation;
feeling of transfusion and rumbling in the stomach.
With more pronounced violations, people complain of
excessive production of feces (polyfecal matter),
weight loss.
Absorption in the intestine is indicated by completely different manifestations, such as:
dry skin;
dullness and brittleness of nails and hair;
cracks in the corners of the lips and on the tongue.
You can read more about malabsorption syndrome in a separate article .
How does the intestine react to disturbances in other organs?
In patients with chronic pancreatitis, the volume of stool sharply increases, and there is an increased content of fat, muscle fibers and starch.
In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, the digestion of fats is impaired and steatorrhea .
The most informative and simple way to determine the causes of disorders is stool analysis .
To eliminate problems, the main thing is to change your diet. For a while, you should take soft or ground food, which should contain an increased amount of protein (100-150g) and carbohydrates (400-500g), and a reduced fat content (30-40g). For a while, hard-to-digest fats, raw vegetables and fruits should be excluded from the diet.