What to feed a child with constipation?

What to feed a child with constipation?


When breastfeeding, it is necessary to adjust the mother's diet by limiting

  • pickles,
  • spicy,
  • smoked,
  • spicy foods.

It is necessary to give your child enough water from the first days of life.

It is important to promptly introduce cereal and vegetable complementary foods containing dietary fiber into the baby’s diet.
After introducing the first solid complementary foods, the child should receive up to 100 ml of water per day.

To eliminate functional constipation, which is caused by intestinal dysbiosis, adapted milk formulas are used in children under 1 year of age.

In infants, it is possible to improve intestinal function by administering milk sugar (1 teaspoon in 20 ml of water before the first feeding).

If constipation is associated with eating disorders, then it can be stopped by eliminating the cause. For example, overfeeding with cow's milk can be cured by reducing the amount of milk and adding sugar to the diet.

Alimentary constipation

This type of constipation develops due to poor diet. It is corrected by using a therapeutic diet, including foods that have a laxative, choleretic effect and increases the amount of feces.

Foods that enhance intestinal motility and emptying:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • berry, fruit and vegetable juices with pulp (cabbage, beet, carrot, plum, apricot);
  • dried fruits;
  • baked apples;
  • vegetable purees;
  • carrot;
  • apricots;
  • melons;
  • pumpkin pulp;
  • salads from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Plant fiber absorbs and retains liquid in the intestinal lumen, softening stool. Increasing the volume and softening of intestinal contents facilitates the motor function of the colon.

The diet includes porridges:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • pearl barley

Fermented milk products are also useful:

  • one-day kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • ayran;
  • cottage cheese.

It is necessary to include butter and vegetable oils in the diet, since they are choleretic, and bile is the strongest irritant for the intestines. In addition, oils ensure better sliding of the food coma through the intestines.

Wheat bran is used to treat functional constipation. They adsorb water and serve as a breeding ground for saprophytic microorganisms, increase the number of bacteria in the colon, increase the weight of feces and reduce the time of their passage through the intestine.

Preparation of bran:

2-3 teaspoons of bran are poured with boiling water for 1 hour, then filtered and added to food;

You can soak 2-3 tablespoons of bran with lemon, cranberry, lingonberry, and cherry juice, then mix it with honey in a ratio of 3:1 and give the child 1 teaspoon of the prepared mixture 2-3 times a day between meals;

You can mix ready-made bran with crushed boiled plums and give it to your child on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals or between meals.

You can read more about the causes of constipation here .

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What to feed a child with constipation? Link to main publication
The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.