Posts tagged "constipation"
How are grapes good and bad for the intestines? – description, contraindications
The chemical composition of grape fruits and leaves, methods of use for treating the intestines and other organs, as well as contraindications are described.
How are cherries beneficial and harmful for the intestines?
The chemical composition, recipes, methods of using cherry fruits and stalks for intestinal health, as well as contraindications are described.
Strongyloidiasis - routes of infection, symptoms, treatment, prevention
Helminthiasis, which can last up to 20-30 years and is chronic, the prognosis for recovery depends on the timeliness of diagnosis, the causative agent...
Dolichocolon - symptoms, treatment
A disease caused by abnormal development of the colon. Following a proper diet and simple rules allows you to avoid surgery.
Chagas disease: trypanosome, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis
The kissing bug transmits American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease). The disease can be easily treated if you consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Hirschsprung's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital disease that requires surgical treatment. Appears in early childhood.
Diverticulosis - types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Diverticulosis is multiple diverticula. Types of diverticula, causes of appearance. Conservative and surgical treatment.
Constipation: chronic and acute, causes, treatment, diet, home remedies
Causes, diseases that manifest themselves as constipation, how to get rid of constipation with home remedies and diet, when to consult a doctor
The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.