Hemorrhagic vasculitis: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hemorrhagic vasculitis: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein) is a systemic inflammatory disease of the capillaries, arterioles and venules of the skin, joints, abdominal cavity and kidneys.

Causes of the disease

Vasculitis is characterized by hemorrhages and the formation of erosions and ulcers in the affected organs.

The exact causes of the disease have not been established. Currently, a connection has been established between its development and diseases such as:

  • respiratory diseases,
  • angina,
  • streptococcal infections,
  • food allergy,
  • drug allergy,
  • immunity disorders.

There are four main forms of vasculitis:

  • simple purpura,
  • arthralgic,
  • abdominal,
  • renal.


The disease begins acutely.

Symptoms differ depending on the form of hemorrhagic vasculitis, but it is almost always accompanied by skin rashes:

  • papular rash (small blisters) similar to urticaria,
  • skin eczema of various types,
  • bleeding into the skin (mainly the arms and legs),
  • hemorrhages in the mucous membranes.

The size of the rash ranges from pinpoint to several millimeters - simple purpura.

Symptoms of the arthralgic form are as follows:

  • joint pain,
  • swelling of the joints,
  • development of synovitis (fluid accumulation in the joint cavity).

Symptoms of the abdominal form (vasculitis in the abdominal cavity)

With this form of the disease, symptoms develop suddenly:

  • there is a sharp pain in the abdomen,
  • loose stools,
  • blood in stool
  • symptoms of irritated peritoneum (abdominal muscle tension and pain when touching the skin).

The abdominal form is especially acute in children.

Symptoms may be similar to

The course of vasculitis is characterized by alternating exacerbations and calm periods.


The abdominal variant of hemorrhagic vasculitis is the most difficult to recognize. This is due to the fact that hemorrhagic rashes on the skin do not always appear, and intestinal manifestations are characteristic of many diseases.

Endoscopic examinations allow the diagnosis to be made:

  • laparoscopy,
  • colonoscopy,
  • gastroduodenoscopy.

An important sign to suspect hemorrhagic vasculitis is the concentration of IgA-containing immune complexes.

In case of chronic diarrhea with blood impurities, the following diseases should be excluded:


During the acute period, the patient is prescribed

A good effect is achieved with the use of prednisone. It is prescribed intravenously until symptoms subside.

The possibility of blood clotting disorders should be taken into account, so heparin and antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid, chimes) are used.

For chronic hemorrhagic vasculitis, it is recommended to take

  • aminoquinol,
  • ascorbic acid in large doses (up to 3 g/day),
  • routine


The prognosis for hemorrhagic vasculitis is favorable, although frequent exacerbations are possible.

With kidney damage, the prognosis is uncertain.


To prevent illness, you should be attentive to infectious diseases and treat infections.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, use medications carefully, follow a diet, and be careful with vaccinations.

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Hemorrhagic vasculitis: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment Link to main publication
The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.