Who should be wary of diclofenac?

Scientists have proven the dangers of diclofenac

The information portal Usolie.Info reported on interesting research by scientists.

Danish scientists made a very important discovery for thousands of patients. They found that taking the painkiller drug diclofenac dramatically increases the risk of fatal diseases. In patients taking this medicine, such risks increased by 50%, reports PrimaMedia news agency.

As a result of a large-scale study, experts studied 6.3 thousand Danes aged 46 to 49 years. The subjects were divided into three groups, depending on the degree of risk of cardiovascular disease.

During the experiment, researchers established a relationship between the use of diclofenac and the occurrence of heart problems. Patients had an increased risk of arrhythmia, ischemic stroke and heart attacks. Similar alarming symptoms appeared already in the first month of using this drug.

It also turned out that patients who used diclofenac suffered from cardiovascular diseases more often than people who were prescribed other painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

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Scientists have proven the dangers of diclofenac Link to main publication
The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make treatment decisions. There are contraindications, consult your doctor.